Saturday, May 11, 2013

1MA/3 Final Exam Questions

Hey there, here's the list for the final exam questions for 1MA/3. Please read them and decide if you like them. Additionally,  there are still a couple of questions to be decided on. Feel free to leave comments below.


Politics and society
How can governments counteract voter apathy? or Are Amrican elections democratic or are they an oppressive tool?
2. Should soft drugs be legalized?
3. Discuss some of the protest movements and the root causes for the protests seen around the world in the last two years.
4. What are some of the causes of mass murders and how should we punish the mass murderers?
5. Why did the Maple Spring movement develop and why can it be viewed as more successful than other protest movements.
6. Do you think that laws should be passed to limit gun ownership?

1. What is your perspective on polyamorous relationships? Can you imagine being a part of such a relationship?
2. How do polyamorous relationships affect children? Should polyamorous families have the right to raise children?
3. Is monogamy natural?
4. Why do some women begin relations with locked up men?
5. How have technological devices changed the way we communicate?
6. Is it possible to be truly alone in a technology-driven society?

1. Discuss some of the most prevalent methods used by advertisers and the media to influence our behavior?
2. Do things and money bring happiness? If not what does?
3.How does consumerism affect children?
4.What impact does consumerism have on holiday seasons? (Here or could we think of another question and add this one to tourism and travel?)
5.Why do you think the term ‘feminist’ has a negative connotation? OR Why do you think being labeled as a feminist have a negative meaning?
6.What are some of the means feminists use to attract attention? Justify their choice.

Tourism and travel
1. Is the urge to travel genetic?
2. Describe the influence of technology on traveling.
3. How do cameras affect our travel experience?
4. Why is extreme tourism growing in popularity?
5. Which disaster sites (if any) would you be interested in seeing? Why?
6. Is it ethical to travel to war affected and poverty-stricken areas?

1.What is hacktivism? What are some methods of hacktivism?
2.Do you support any of the hacktivists’ actions? Why yes/not?
3.Should information be completely free? 
4.How can technology be used to improve/alter our bodies?
5.Would you ever consider putting implants in your body (if yes, what kind of implants/if no, why not)?
6.Discuss the pros and cons of smartphones. 

Media and journalism
1.What impact does a president have on manipulating media content? How and why is this done? OR
How much freedom do reporters have when they pursue a story? How much should they have?
2.What impact does technology have on journalism?
3.What are the core components of creating a successful Internet/ YouTube video?
4.Is there a correlation between fear and consumerism? or What is the culture of fear and how does in relate to comsumerism?
5.Can we trust the media?
6. Should violence in the media be restrained?

Business and finance
1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the American Health Care System?
2.How does inequality affect economic growth?
3.What are some of the factors that have led to the "Great Divergence"?
4..Is income inequality just the problem of 99%?
5.What were the reasons of 2012-2013 Cypriot financial crisis?
6.How did the government of Cyprus and the troika try to solve their banking crisis?

1.Explain the term “moral hazard”. When does it occur and what are its consequences?
2.How do we distinguish between right and wrong? What are the sources of ethical behavior?
3.Recent research suggested that the wealthy are less ethical, why could this be so? Give examples of the unethical behaviors of the rich.
4.Is society becoming less moral or not? Explain your answer.
5.Discuss some of the consequences of using doping and performance-enhancing drugs.
6.Why has the World Anti-Doping Agency been introduced? What are its aims?

Art & Culture
1. How can we make art more accessible to the general public?
2. What is the role of art?
3. How has technology such as the internet influenced art generally and music specifically?
4. Do you agree with the statement that some art is better than no art and that it is always socially beneficial?
5. How should communities decide what is appropriate art for the public space?
6. Celebrity vs. Musicians
7. Make people for music versus let people pay for music.       


  1. (question number 4 in lifestyle)
    it was supposed to be about christmas, thanksgiving, and black friday... vacation might be a wrong word...

  2. Changed to holiday seasons. Thanks Alicja

  3. Dear group,

    Here's our awesome e-mail address for our awesome answers to our even more awesome exam questions.

    password: collegiumnovum


    PS - And don't forget that the deadline for submissions is Sunday! Submit your answers or you shall not pass...

    Weronika :)
